Post by RoadWarriorYajuta on Jan 30, 2005 21:06:47 GMT -8
I saw the trailer for the movie and all I can say is holy freakin cow. The movie will own all. I just got through reading the novel Labyrinth of Evil which ties up the loose ends from the novels, games, comics, and cartoon about the Clone Wars and sets the stage for the movie. It was an awesome read. I know many dislike Lucas and what he has done to the original films and many have hated Menace and Clones. All I know is this movie will be non-stop action and will appeae many of those disappointed.
Post by Xenorama ™ on Jan 30, 2005 21:12:04 GMT -8
the Sith was one of the most feared monsters on Barsoom (Mars)- it was like a giant dragonfly with the tail of a scorpion- it even gave John Carter a difficult time!
oh wait, you mean the other one.
i hope it really is that good!
Post by Igadevil on Jan 30, 2005 22:12:04 GMT -8
I sure hope there are those Zannon ships in it.
Oh wait, what's that? Zannon is a blatant rip-off of the Star Destroyer? ;D
Post by RedKing on Jan 31, 2005 10:09:22 GMT -8
I heard that's the secret surprise ending-Darth Vader's Star Destroyer is about to blow up the good guys when gamera comes crashing into it!
Post by Zone Fighter on Jan 31, 2005 10:11:58 GMT -8
I heard that's the secret surprise ending-Darth Vader's Star Destroyer is about to blow up the good guys when gamera comes crashing into it! I'd actually like to see that.
Post by Zone Fighter on Jan 31, 2005 10:15:11 GMT -8
I still think the idea that there a only 2, Sith at a time and that those two Sith are more powerful than all the Jedi combined is asburd.
Post by Xenorama ™ on Jan 31, 2005 13:29:36 GMT -8
i'd go see it if Gamera showed up!
Post by Torgaman on Jan 31, 2005 17:20:38 GMT -8
I think the idea of only being two sith might suggest that any group of sith would only consist of two,not that there couldn't be more than two sith at onnce.So as far as I interpret it[and it is a loose interpretation]it is possible for alot o groups of sith to exist but never in groups exceeding two.
Post by amphiboid on Feb 7, 2005 17:29:04 GMT -8
George, I know you're reading this...
The fans want Gamera!
Give us Gamera a lot!
Post by RoadWarriorYajuta on Feb 7, 2005 21:30:54 GMT -8
The reason there can only be two Sith is because of the Great Sith wars. All the Sith united a mellenia ago to take on the Jedi, but there was so much infighting they depleted their numbers and were easily beaten by the Jedi. Sith are ambitious by nature, so more than two is aksing for trouble, too much jockeying for power.
Post by Giganfan on Jul 27, 2005 11:02:24 GMT -8
My impression of REVENGE OF THE SITH was simply, "Okay...whatever." Seriously though, it was a major improvement over the last two episodes.You could tell that Lucas was trying his best to make a movie that was actually good. And he nearly succeeds. It's just that Hayden Christiansen sucks so bad at acting, it's not even funny! And the Wookies aren't even needed, other than to somehow get Chewbacca in the mix. Oh well, as far as simple-minded entertainment goes, EPISODE III passes with flying colors. I just don't care for these movie as much as I do the old ones.
Post by Zone Fighter on Dec 15, 2005 16:10:42 GMT -8
This post contains spoilers.
You've been warned.
I've finally seen Revenge of the Sith, Netflix finally had a copy available to send me.
I'm not sure who is the bigger fool Anakin Skywalker or Obiwan Kenobi. As for Yoda he has 20/20 hindsight. he always knows exactly who did what, with out being told or seeing it, after its already happened.
Maybe my memory is faulty, but I thought Princess Leia had some memories of her mother, which would only be possible if Mrs. Skywalker died when Leia was a young girl not just an infant a few seconds old.
Why did the Galactic Republic soldiers blindly follow orders to murder their commanders (the Jedi)? And how come except for Yoda, the Jedi didn't sense they were about to be betrayed?
The next time George Lucas takes a notion to modify his old films he should remove Obiwan's irrational claim that "only the Sith deal in absolutes", which itself is an absolute statement and contradicts the entire saga. The Jedi hold to the absolute belief that the "Dark Side" and its practioners, the Sith are evil. They can't have it both ways. If there are no absolutes there is no good or evil only differing opinions and the Sith are not wrong in killing the Jedi and inslaving the galaxy because that is in their opinion is "good", such an opinion is no less valid than the opinion to the contrary. Obiwan of course proves he doesn't believe his own statment when he calls the Chancelor evil.
As to the idea that Anakin was to bring balance to the Forc, if there are no absolutes then the Jedi and the Sith are equal sides of the same coin and by reducing the Jedi to the same number as the Sith, 2, Anakin Skywlaker aka Darth Vader did bring balance. The Jedi simply misunderstood what bringing balance meant. The see the Sith as bringing imbalance to the Force, when actually it was they themselves that brought the imbalance by having more Jedi than Sith. Years later Luke Skywalker will come along and put everything out of balance again by eliminating the Sith. At least that is how I would look at it if I actually held to the philosophical believe that good and evil, order and chaos are both equally neccesary. If you assume the Jedi were right that Dark Side is an imbalance in the Force then it would appear that it was Luke Skywalker who was the "Choosen One" not his father.
Avery time I see those battle droids I want to laugh. They don't impress me at all. They look like a small draft would nock them over. I think the Jedi use of lightsabers on them is overkill, a good stout stick would accomplish the same thing.
Having seen Revenge of the Sith I now understand why some people think the Smallville episode "Lex-mas" copied the film. Like Anakin Skywalker, Lex Luthor has a dream in which the woman he (claims to) love dies. Some people assume that having copied the film thus far the producers of Smallville will go all the way and have Lana Lang actually die despite Lex's "turning to the darkside" by plotting to destroy Jonathan Kent's reputation in order to put Mr Kent out of the race for Kansas State Senate. Which Lex does because he thinks having power and wealth will allow him to avoid pain and sorrow.
Post by Xenorama ™ on May 4, 2006 8:28:46 GMT -8
in related news-
now who could have predicted that Lucas, after getting his fans to pay for the first set, would do this? who could have done that?
oh yeah, ME! what with being a genius and all. apparently the first one will just be STAR WARS, no "episode IV" or anything, just like i saw it in 1977!
Post by RoadWarriorYajuta on May 4, 2006 9:23:44 GMT -8
Now did i read wrong or does the impending release have both the Special Editions and the Theatrical versions
Post by Zone Fighter on May 5, 2006 7:27:35 GMT -8
Hardcore Star Wars fanatics have wanted the original theatrical versions of the first 3 films on DVD since it was invented and have been angry about the modified versions.
I wish Lucas Arts would listen to their game fans and produced the 5th Monkey Island game, second Heavy Metal, second Sam & Max, and second Grim Fandango game. Instead they're producing another Star Wars game and another Indiana Jones game (apparently they're is going to be another film) which us gamers don't want.
Post by Xenorama ™ on May 5, 2006 8:44:54 GMT -8
i think it's just the real, er, original versions coming out. i'll get the SW one, if nothing else.
Post by Shonokin on May 5, 2006 9:00:01 GMT -8
This is some of the best movie news I've heard in a long long time. Next to the news that the HPLHS is working on a new Lovecraft adaptation "The Whisperers in Darkness". Even though I will definately get this, the REAL versions of the movies, I think I'd also like the version that those X 0 Project guys are working on, since they are fixing weird optical glitches such as the "garbage mattes" that apparently Lucas has always thought were ok. Since simple contrast fixes have never been a priority to "restoring" the films even in their latest incarnations, I can only imagine what shape these "original version" DVDs are going to be in. Despite that one bitch, this I'm very happy this is finally happening.
Post by RoadWarriorYajuta on May 5, 2006 11:40:53 GMT -8
If the new Star Wars game is Knights of the Old Republic 3, then yes die hard gamers want it. I have harldy seen clamoring of this sort for any game. The first two KOTOR games were phenominal. It would be cool for them to do a KOTOR type of game set in the New Jedi Order era.
Post by amphiboid on May 6, 2006 4:04:55 GMT -8
What's this? ? Original versions of the original 3 Star Wars releases? Very nice. This is one thing that basically can't be packaged with the "Special Editions" included--because there's now more than one version of the Special Editions; they get tinkered with a little bit for each release, apparently. I would never have expected something like this. I don't mind these being tooled up, remixed, and polished in various ways; as long as the cut is the same as we saw in the theatres. Heck, in the past couple of years, I was running around grabbing copies of the original versions, because the Special Editions, as special as they are, just didn't do it for me. Hopefully, with all the fans clamoring for these Original Unaltered Versions, Lucas will feel better about the movies he originally produced. They were good, groundbreaking, and satisfying. Yeah, I'm a geek. Oh wait! I spoke too soon. Reading their website, I see that these single copy versions ARE the Special Editions, or rather the current Special Editions, and the Original Version of each film is included as a "Bonus." Wellllll, that's okay. Better than not having the things on DVD at all!
Post by Xenorama ™ on May 7, 2006 17:16:08 GMT -8
one can always use the special editions as drink coasters!
Post by Zone Fighter on May 7, 2006 20:12:34 GMT -8
No one in the game forums I frequent wants a Star Wars (or Indian Jones) game.