Post by Zone Fighter on Nov 15, 2005 13:09:25 GMT -8
The following is classified Top Secret by International Rescue:
(taken from Thunderbirds series disc 12)
Thunderbird 1 top speed 15,000 mph, power source: automic fusion reactor
Thunderbird 2 top speed 5,000 mph, power source: automic fusion reactor
Thunderbird 3 max. sustainable acceleration 6 g, power source: automic fusion reactor
Thunderbird 4 cruising speed surface 40 knots, cruising speed underwater 160 knots, max depth 30,000 ft, power source: automic fusion reactor
Thunderbird 5 power source: automic batteries
There is more on the dvd, such as length, width, weight of each Thunderbird and Fab1 (the pink rolls)
Jeff Tracy founder International Rescue born January 2, 2009
former USAF colonel and astronaut (retired to raise sons after death of wife), civil engineer, founded International Rescue after 80 people killed in accident
Scott Tracy pilot Thunderbird 1 born April 4, 2039
as pilot of Thunderbird 1 studies the situation and determines best course of action, undertakes all missions except when substituting for father at mission control (in which case brother Alan pilots Thunderbird 1), former USAF officer
John Tracy space monitor: Thunderbird 5 born October 8, 2040
alternating 30 days shifts on Thunderbird 5 with brother Alan, author of 4 books on astronomy, discover of Tracy Quasar System
Virgil Tracy pilot Thunderbird 2 born August 15, 2041
as pilot of Thunderbird 2 undertakes all missions, expert mechanic, passionate artist and pianist
Gordon Tracy aquanaut: Thunderbird 4 born February 1, 2043
Olympic champion swimmer, avid scuba diver and water skier, before father founded International Rescue he served in Submarine Service and World Aquanuat Security Patrol (from "Stingray")
Alan Tracy pilot Thunderbird 3 born March 12, 2044
raced automobiles before father founded International Rescue, alternates with brother John as Space Monitor in Thunderbird 5, romantically involved with Tin-Tin Kyrano
All Tracys are college educated.
Brains engineer for International Rescue born November 14, 2040
invented International Rescue's aircraft and other equipment, an orphan, sometimes uses alias Hiram K. Hackenbacker but real name unknown
Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, London agent for International Rescue born December 24, 2039
former government agent, joined International Rescue at request of Jeff Tracy
Aloysios Parker butler and chauffer (FAB1) to Lady Penelope born May 30, 2013
Parker comes from a long line of safecrackers, caught in the act by Lady Penelope he accepted her offer of a job and assistants her on all her missions for International Rescue
Tin-Tin Kyrano assists Brains and acts as Jeff Tracy's secretary born June 20, 2043
licensed pilot, Jeff Tracy paid for her education (wasn't clear to me whether she returned Alan's feelings for her or not)
Kyrano chef to Tracys birth date unknown
Tin-Tin's father, half brother of "The Hood" can be hypnotised by his brother and become an unknowing spy against International Rescue
The Hood international spy and theif born July 17, 2018
master of disguise,uses black magic to control his half brother Kyrano, has hypnotic eyes. schemes to steal secrets of International Rescue, their only real enemy.
The dvd did not have any information on grandma Tracy.
The series is supposed to be set in 2065 so that makes Jeff Tracy 56, his eldest son 26, his youngest 21. The way his brothers treat Alan I figured he be younger than that.
The Tracys are Americans. This was probably to sell the series to the US, unfortunantly it did not work after only 6 episodes of the 2nd season had been aired it was cancled because no American network picked it up. Both movies were box office disapointments. Thunderbirds was extremly popular in Japan. Now considered a classic.
Like the previous series Thunderbirds was originally intended to be 30 minute stories. The name Thunderbirds comes from Thunderbird Field in Arizona. Gerry Anderson got the idea for the series after hearing a radio news report of a mine colapse in Germany which trapped 300 minors.
(taken from Thunderbirds series disc 12)
Thunderbird 1 top speed 15,000 mph, power source: automic fusion reactor
Thunderbird 2 top speed 5,000 mph, power source: automic fusion reactor
Thunderbird 3 max. sustainable acceleration 6 g, power source: automic fusion reactor
Thunderbird 4 cruising speed surface 40 knots, cruising speed underwater 160 knots, max depth 30,000 ft, power source: automic fusion reactor
Thunderbird 5 power source: automic batteries
There is more on the dvd, such as length, width, weight of each Thunderbird and Fab1 (the pink rolls)
Jeff Tracy founder International Rescue born January 2, 2009
former USAF colonel and astronaut (retired to raise sons after death of wife), civil engineer, founded International Rescue after 80 people killed in accident
Scott Tracy pilot Thunderbird 1 born April 4, 2039
as pilot of Thunderbird 1 studies the situation and determines best course of action, undertakes all missions except when substituting for father at mission control (in which case brother Alan pilots Thunderbird 1), former USAF officer
John Tracy space monitor: Thunderbird 5 born October 8, 2040
alternating 30 days shifts on Thunderbird 5 with brother Alan, author of 4 books on astronomy, discover of Tracy Quasar System
Virgil Tracy pilot Thunderbird 2 born August 15, 2041
as pilot of Thunderbird 2 undertakes all missions, expert mechanic, passionate artist and pianist
Gordon Tracy aquanaut: Thunderbird 4 born February 1, 2043
Olympic champion swimmer, avid scuba diver and water skier, before father founded International Rescue he served in Submarine Service and World Aquanuat Security Patrol (from "Stingray")
Alan Tracy pilot Thunderbird 3 born March 12, 2044
raced automobiles before father founded International Rescue, alternates with brother John as Space Monitor in Thunderbird 5, romantically involved with Tin-Tin Kyrano
All Tracys are college educated.
Brains engineer for International Rescue born November 14, 2040
invented International Rescue's aircraft and other equipment, an orphan, sometimes uses alias Hiram K. Hackenbacker but real name unknown
Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward, London agent for International Rescue born December 24, 2039
former government agent, joined International Rescue at request of Jeff Tracy
Aloysios Parker butler and chauffer (FAB1) to Lady Penelope born May 30, 2013
Parker comes from a long line of safecrackers, caught in the act by Lady Penelope he accepted her offer of a job and assistants her on all her missions for International Rescue
Tin-Tin Kyrano assists Brains and acts as Jeff Tracy's secretary born June 20, 2043
licensed pilot, Jeff Tracy paid for her education (wasn't clear to me whether she returned Alan's feelings for her or not)
Kyrano chef to Tracys birth date unknown
Tin-Tin's father, half brother of "The Hood" can be hypnotised by his brother and become an unknowing spy against International Rescue
The Hood international spy and theif born July 17, 2018
master of disguise,uses black magic to control his half brother Kyrano, has hypnotic eyes. schemes to steal secrets of International Rescue, their only real enemy.
The dvd did not have any information on grandma Tracy.
The series is supposed to be set in 2065 so that makes Jeff Tracy 56, his eldest son 26, his youngest 21. The way his brothers treat Alan I figured he be younger than that.
The Tracys are Americans. This was probably to sell the series to the US, unfortunantly it did not work after only 6 episodes of the 2nd season had been aired it was cancled because no American network picked it up. Both movies were box office disapointments. Thunderbirds was extremly popular in Japan. Now considered a classic.
Like the previous series Thunderbirds was originally intended to be 30 minute stories. The name Thunderbirds comes from Thunderbird Field in Arizona. Gerry Anderson got the idea for the series after hearing a radio news report of a mine colapse in Germany which trapped 300 minors.